Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Open the Pod bay doors, please, Hal (with update)

There are a number of people who I would like to be in touch with as they blog BUT I am not able to follow their blogs.  Some people are on Google+ and I am in some of your circles. I can do that.

But I cannot "follow" people's blogs on Blogger/Blogspot. If I go to your blog, e.g. Belita's, and attempt to follow her, I get one of two messages. One is that I am blocked by the owner from the site (which I don't believe that it's by the owner), or I am told they are having trouble processing my request.

I went to Google help and apparently a number of people are having this same trouble and have been for some time.

Soooooo......I will be running around, trying to find people's blogs that I might want to read. If you know one of my old MP friends who is blogging here now, please point them in the direction of my blog. Maybe if they are following me, I will have a way to connect.

I don't see myself using Google+ much; maybe I will surprise myself, we'll see.

If anyone finds a way to contact tech support, let me know.  Thanks so much. For now I will be on Multiply.

Update: Cinnamon rocks the house!!!!  I now can follow people.  Forget everything here. 


  1. Have you tried going to the home page of google plus, at the very bottom of the page there is a link for help and if you click that on next page there is a link for reporting problems.

  2. Yes, I did that, thank you!! There is an update to this blog, I found out how to add people who are on Blogger. I am real happy.

  3. the link is actually at the bottom of that page under the fix an issue says help for other google products once you click that link and are on next page click the link that says show all products there you shall see Blogger with 3 options to choose from if you hover your cursor over the blogger name.

  4. I don't know. But it just resolved itself. Maybe I am using a different way that Cinnamon had on her blog for adding people through URL. But it works now. Yay!

  5. yay!! I'm so happy it's working for you. I tried to figure this out a few months ago to follow my UK friend Vivien, but got so frustrated that I said never mind. I'm glad its all coming together now :) xxx

  6. I'm so happy to see you in my group of friends!!!! Hugs and thanks for your efforts to be over there.

  7. There is a setting under OPTIONS for allowing or not allowing can find it where you compose the blog to the right.

  8. Wa - HOO!!!!!! Thank you Mary!!!!!

  9. I sent you an invite to view my blog in blogger. I think this will be my main blogging spot.
