Monday, August 6, 2012

Took me awhile

It has taken me awhile to be able to manage here. I will work more tomorrow, but for now I am tired.  I am not sure if I will keep this blog or this title, and I will need some time to figure out how to connect with people.  We'll see.


  1. Hi Benni! Glad to see you on here... Let's keep in touch. Hugs, Belita

  2. I'ld love to be connected but I don't know how to do it, either...

  3. Glad to see you, Belita. It was very cheery to see you in your red jacket this morning.

  4. HI Benni, I see you and I see Belita. Still trying to figure out how we chat, not like Multiply for sure. This is irritating me senseless. Hugs you


  5. I keep on being thrown into google plus where I do not want to be as some people are there who I do not want to share with ex sister and hubbys ex wife

    1. This place is very public. I am using a false name - well not really false since many of my friends know me as Benni, but certainly a name many people would not recognize.

  6. I know, Marianne. There is a lot I don't like about this place and yesterday I drove myself crazy even setting this site up. I wish I could help you. My t/n is not benni jones, so I feel relatively safe, but I will probably set up - well, I dunno - it is all a bit bewildering right now.

  7. Hey... is this thing on? It's Jenadamo.
    Wondering if i can comment without opening an account.
    Though i might try opening one later... maybe tonight.
    Meanwhile... good luck to us all.

  8. Thanks, Jen - it is so nice to see your friendly face. Um, I mean, hear your voice. Oh, rats, just nice to see your name and the comforting person you are behind it.

  9. Can you play with your design and add a "Followers" box to your blog site? Then I can hook up with you via Google friend connect and get notification on your posts on my dashboard.

  10. well you made it farther than I did, lol

  11. I figure it out! I am now following your blog, notifications to my dashboard. Thank goodness!
