Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Event of the Year

"Hey look at this", my husband said. He held up a green piece of jalapeno. "It's a jalapeno." Yes, it was a piece of jalapeno. So I agreed. I even embellished. "Wow, a big piece of jalapeno." Not too remarkable considering we were having really excellent Mexican food. But these are the moments that make a marriage. I did not say any of the several things that popped into my mind because we are a couple, a partnership, and if he thought it was important to point out to me that our Mexican food came with jalapenos, I was not going to trash the moment.   

Before the food came I was looking at a picture of an old friend and a few other people my age, sent to me by email, with no text but with the subject "The event of the year." There was a caption on the picture naming the people, a man, his wife, a magistrate of the State of Iowa, and my friend and her partner, whom she labeled "my legally married partner". 

I wondered why she had sent this to me, since they had had their union "blessed" in church about 15 years ago, in Minnesota where they lived. Then, thinking about it, after our Mexican dinner, I understood. They had gone and done it in Iowa, where it is legal for people who love people of the same gender to be married. Not just blessed, but married in the eyes of the State, til death does them part (whatever). 

And yes, she looked radiant. She had flowers and a sea green dress. I'm so proud of her. 

One of the real hassles of getting old is that you get tired early, like 10:22. I was going to tie this in with the jalapeno moment and I didn't. I am sure I could say more but I won't. Live long and prosper, Ruby and Jessica. You deserve it.


  1. Congratulations to Ruby and Jessica, and congratulations to my home state, Iowa, for having the decency to see that people are people.

    I gets tired early too, Benni

  2. Dang, MaryEllen, old age is not for the -um, something. Anyway, thanks for your congrats!

  3. Is Jalapeno something like hot pepper? Maybe I'm getting younger, LOL... I never go to bed earlier than 2:00am. Have a nice day....

  4. Yes, a jalapeno is a hot pepper, not as hot as some, but quite hot nonetheless.

    I would love to stay up later, but I can't seem, even after 4 years, to manage to stay asleep much past 7:00 am.

    1. Thanks, Benni! It has been always hard for me to get up early... I have low blood pressure that may justify my owl-type and not a rooster-one...
      Have a nice day!

    2. It was always hard for me to get up early as well. I had a job working at a crisis center and my hours were noon to 9pm. I could sleep until 10 am and I loved it. Then I started working in a school system and had to force myself to get up at 7 am or before. Eek, that was difficult. Did that 30 years and I guess it became a habit. I turned from an owl to a rooster.

  5. Congratulations to the happy couple. I sure wish more people would keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves, especially people on the internet. Some people really enjoy saying hurtful things to others.

  6. I do not mind an honest discussion of differences, but I will delete things that are hurtful. I wondered about posting this, because some might consider it controversial, but I am who I am, and my joy at my friends' wedding is something that is me. LOL - I haven't even started on my political views. Still, I am interested in not pushing (most) people away, so I try to have a respectful voice.

  7. Congratulations to your friends. I'm sure it was a special moment for them. I wake up the same time even at weekends but I do often manage to go back to sleep. I even manage to go to sleep when watching TV in the evenings! lol

  8. Congrats to your friend. I tire easy too, but once in bed then I'm awake all of a sudden and proceed to fight with pillows, blankets, etc. until about 5:00am then have to get up at 6:00am.
